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Exterior Painting

Your exterior paint highlights your unique style and protects your house against the elements. Taken together, exterior painting then can do much to ensure your home’s value and its lasting style.


Painting the exterior of your home is the equivalent of making a significant statement about those who live in the home.  From the moment a visitor arrives at your front door, as well as to passersby on the street, the appearance of your home speaks volumes about you, your landscape, window dressings, ornamentation and effects that decorate your lawn and your front yard area, as well as the quality and style of your exterior paint all influence the way your home is perceived.


Exterior paint must be resilient to withstand the ever changing extremes of Mother Nature.  In Melbourne we are 'lucky' enough to experience four seasons in one day. Your exterior paint is your homes' protection against water and other outdoor elements.   


To most people, their house is more than a home-it is a repository for their life’s past, present, and future memories. Women in White Painters and Decorators Pty. Ltd. guarantee your customer satisfaction and you will have every reason to be confident that you are hiring the best exterior painting service in the business!


We take pride in the quality of our work and measure a job well done by the degree of satisfaction of their customers who expect only the best in quality workmanship

What can you expect from Women in White?

At Women In White Painters Pty. Ltd we want to assist you in transforming your space and we want our clients to come away more than satisfied with the service that we provide. 


We understand the importance of being punctual and on time, working on chronological dates, having your job supervised so you can be assured our quality will never be compromised.  At the end of the day, we promise to clean up and make sure our workspace is left tidy to avoid any kind of disturbance to the home owner throughout the painting works.  Women in White will strive to complete your job by the agreed due date.  

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